It is the beginning of a new year, a new season, and a new position. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Not that I have not done this before, but that things have changed so much in the last few years, I think everyone is a little apprehensive, yet excited, hoping that our reenacting activities can get back to something resembling pre-Covid times. So, the definition of a coordinator is one who coordinates something, especially: a person who organizes people or groups so that they work together……
My name is Lori Danforth, Civilian Coordinator, what I believe the position to be is a Civilian representative that can speak on behalf of the Civilian members of our organization, in regards to events, projects, issues and concerns, to the rest of the board for our organization. In addition to get information from the board so that I can help inform you, the civilians, of issues, coordination and logistics at upcoming events. Consider the possibilities of, social media posts, newsletters and general communication amongst our members, your thoughts are encouraged.
I am not a stitch counter, high maintenance, or high fashion, I am a basic middle-class citizen, getting my hands dirty, menu planning, sewing projects, fundraising, apron wearing member of our unit. I have been reenacting long enough and have enough contacts and resources, that I would like to coordinate, and communicate with everyone regarding, their concerns, questions and desires for our units and the future success of and our love of the hobby.
In this first year I would love to see some simple get togethers, at events for the mere sake of getting together and meeting everyone, finding out your ideas, concerns and hopes for the future. In the meantime, I encourage you to reach out to me with questions, concerns, resources, etc. I am here to help. I am looking forward to hearing about and sharing things that you have found, learned and what makes you excited about what we do.
I have been reenacting since 1999 and held the Civilian Coordinator and Secretary role for the 150th Bucktail’s for over 15 years. If I don’t know, I can direct you to who may know, or who can help. I am here to serve the Civilian members of our organization and help educate and unite for the sake of the future of our organization and the events we attend. I love what we do, I love educating the public about their own history, if we don’t it will be lost. Hoozah, for the good of the organization!